Wild and untouched, Labuan Marine Park’s (Taman Marin Labuan) islands offer thrilling adventures for avid nature lovers.
Labuan Marine Park is known for its four wreck diving sites; namely the American, Australian, Blue Water and Cement wrecks.
The marine park is formed by 3 beautiful islands affectionately known as the Jewels of Labuan – Pulau Kuraman, Pulau Rusukan Besar and Pulau Rusukan Kecil.
Pulau Rusukan Besar
Pulau Rusukan Besar is dotted with coconut palms that thrive on the long stretches of its sandy beaches, and the shade the trees cast make for perfect picnic spots. Visitors may also enjoy a bout of snorkelling or go swimming in the clear waters. A thick forest covers much of the island, and it is one of the island’s greatest assets.
Pulau Rusukan Kecil
As you approach this lovely little island cluster, be sure to pull up to a stop somewhere in between the islands of Rusukan Kecil and Rusukan Besar in order to take in the spectacular views of majestic rock formations that adorn Pulau Rusukan Kecil, the smaller of the two islands.
Pulau Kuraman
Out of Taman Marin Labuan’s 3 islands, Kuraman Island is somewhat more desolate in comparison, but not any less beautiful. So inspired was Italian author Emilio Salgari by Kuraman (then called Mompracem) that the island became the backdrop for the swashbuckling adventures of his most popular character, Sandokan the pirate captain, in the 1900 novel ‘The Tigers of Mompracem’.
Visitor information
Address: About 3 km off the southwestern tip of Labuan Island
Telephone: +6087 582 502 / +6087 582 503 (Marine Parks Department, Labuan)
Permitted activities include scuba diving, camping, snorkelling, sailing, canoeing and jungle-trekking.
Visitors must follow the marine park regulations at all times and are prohibited from fishing, littering, anchoring and carrying out other activities that may damage the corals and reefs.